-Sharpshooter's Home
-Who we are
-Meet  Crew 40

--Minuteman Pledge,    its meaning, and Bill of Rights with Explanation

-Winter Mountain Patrol Pledge (printable handout)


--American Patriot      Sharpshooter Award Series


--NRA Marksmanship Awards

-Summer Biathlon - Minuteman Cross Country Run

    Summer 2010

    Summer 2009  
    Summer 2008
    Summer 2007

-Winter Mountain Patrol - Minuteman Snowshoe Patrol

    Winter 2011

    Winter 2010
    Winter 2009

Snow Shoe Men Patrols


February, 2011 planning


"2AToday for The USA"

Copy at LassenSharpshooters.com

"No Guns for Negroes" (racist history of American gun control laws)

Oath Keepers

10 Orders

Principles of Republic

Also see video

Rattlesnakes, Ticks ...
-Printable Targets
-Militia / American Revolutionary War Flags
-The Bill of Rights
-Jury Nullification Article on your Right
-Long Distance Shooting - Wind etc...
-High Adventure
  --Winter Survival
-Future Activities
-Youth Resources and  Targets
-Adult Resources
-Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
-Marksmanship Resources
-Photos/Match Results
-How to Join
-Adult Leadership
-Youth Officers
-Clip Art

Range - Weather

Range - Red Flag Warnings / Alerts

Shasta Chain Control

Shingletown Cam is located on the north side of HWY 44 in Shingletown

Lassen Park Cam is located in Shasta County on the south side of eastbound HWY 44 at the Lassen Park North Entrance

Bogard Rest Area Cam is located in Lassen County on SR44 at the entrance to Bogard Rest Area

Minuteman Cross Country  Biathlon

(Summer 9/4/2010)

News Article

2010 Summer Minuteman Cross Country Biathlon

What did you do this labor day weekend? Shingletown Boy Scout Troop 40 and Venturing Crew 40 (our NRA shooting club web address is: www.Lassensharpshooters.com ) joined Redding Venturing Crews 3006, 37, and 1006; and Civil Air Patrol Squadron 126 in the 4th Annual Minuteman Cross Country Biathlon at the Hat Creek Rifle and Pistol Club. All participants had to pass NRA certified training courses before being allowed to participate.

We celebrated the Armed Citizen Militias of the American Revolution. Participants were assigned to historical Revolutionary Minutemen / Militia teams which included: the Green Mountain Boys Militia; Green River Rifles Militia; and the Virginia Rifles Militia. The opening ceremony included: raising the American Flag, playing the Star Spangled Banner, and reliving April 19, 1775 when government troops under orders from a tyrannical and oppressive government marched on Lexington and Concord to confiscate the guns and supplies of "we the people". You will recall that as the day the "shot heard ’round the world" was fired, and gun confiscation was the spark that ignited the American Revolution.

We took a step back in history as twenty one (21) minutemen reported and participated in our muster call. Our young minutemen / militia ran a course covering two (2) miles and fired at small 3 inch targets which were 50 yards away (i.e., half a football field away). They fired their .22 long rifles from both the standing and prone positions as part of the run. The adult minutemen did the exact same shooting routine; however, we elected to do a less rigorous "fast walk" over a shorter distance. We concluded with the announcement of awards, flag lowering, retreat, taps, a very loud "hoorah", and a shout of "liberty or death". We had fun celebrating our right and duty of being armed American citizens.

Additionally, with winter fast approaching, we are planning our Second Annual Minuteman Mountain Wilderness Snowshoe Patrol. This event will also involve a biathlon format but with a mountain wilderness snowshoe run, coupled with rifle and handgun marksmanship. We will be celebrating the Armed Citizen Militias of the American Revolution.

Until next time, keep your powder dry. For information, contact Nathan Zeliff, Associate Advisor and NRA Instructor at: 530-474-3267.









"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them...."

Quoted from Joseph Story* in, “Commentaries on the Constitution” (1833). 

* Former Associate Justice of U.S. Supreme Court



"...The one thing that is absolute is that the Second Amendment guarantees a personal and individual right to keep and bear arms, and prohibits government from disarming the people...."

Quoted from: Silveira v. Lockyer - Dissent by: Judge Kozinski.


Summer Range Rules

Copy of: Wildland Fire Evacuation Plan Shingletown Ridge


Star Spangled Banner USAF

Star Spangled Banner - USMC

Proud to be an American


Air Force 

Anchors Away




The Battle of Bunker Hill - June 17, 1775 


August 1 and 2 mark the sixty-second anniversary of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee